Office Technology Tips & Best Practices To Help Your Business Prosper


Choosing Between Managed and In-House IT

Supporting your company’s technology is a full time job – but who should you trust with this important responsibility? For many businesses, the default is to hire an in-house IT team to handle it, but there is another option – a Managed IT Services provider. But, how do you know which option is right for your business? Read on to learn more!

In-House IT

When you hire an in-house IT staff, you are bringing more employees into your organization. This means paying for their wages and benefits, but it also gives you a level of control over who is working for you. In-house IT is also readily available, providing quick response to help minimize downtime when a piece of technology goes down.

Because your in-house IT team works only for your company they become experts in the needs and function of your company. This boosts their productivity and allows them to contribute to the long-term goals of your business.

However, when you have an in-house IT department, you are also fully responsible for the costs associated with hardware such as servers, software and applications, and all the other tools and training necessary to keep your technology fully up to date. This can be a significant and unpredictable expense.

Managed IT Services

With Managed IT, you are hiring a service provider, complete with all their expertise and experience. Most providers offer a fixed monthly rate that includes the hardware, software, and support you need. Because you do not need to own all your assets, it is easier to upgrade the equipment more frequently and plan for the associated expenses. The cost of outsourced IT is often less than hiring and maintaining a full-time in-house IT staff.

A Managed IT Services provider offers years of experience across many fields, which can provide a unique perspective on your business. Your provider can offer custom solutions for your company based on their knowledge and experience in the field.

A Managed IT Services provider offers knowledge and support at an affordable rate. If you think your company would benefit from a Managed IT Services partnership, give us a call at Allied Business Solutions for a free, no obligation, IT assessment.


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